Friday, April 30

Cows & Hogs & Dogs! Oh My!

With the coming Spring, building in Hazard has started with a boom, and Main Street bids fair to be almost a solid business block. Outside capital is becoming interested, and the eyes of Kentucky are on Hazard, the heart of the coal field. The census will probably show that Hazard, Lothair and Lennut combined are about 7,500 people - enough to make a live, hustling modern city.

However, today Hazard's streets and alleys are filled with old paper and rubbish and a city with cows and hogs roaming the streets and with the dogs so numerous that one can hardly walk without walking over one. There is enough old paper on the streets and alleys to print the Sunday edition of the New York World. And there are also enough tin cans along the river bank to put tin roofs on half the houses in Hazard. Spring is here and nature is trying to purify the air with good clean sunlight. 1920

1 comment:

  1. Dated reference: The New York World was a popular newspaper published from 1860 until 1931.
