1939 ... Hazard is growing in population. It has been growing rapidly for many years and will continue to grow for many more. It has every modern convenience in 1939, the same as any other city however large. It has splendid schools and churches and an intelligent educated public but it lacks one cultural advantage found in most all other cities its size and that is a Public Library. Some twenty years ago a movement was started here to obtain a Carnegie Library and it would have succeeded, the only thing that prevented it was a small contribution locally. Why not start a movement now to obtain a Public Library, especially in as much as a building can be obtained through the N.Y.A. or W.P.A. A nominal cost of procuring books would take care of itself. Let's start the movement before it is too late to obtain help from one of the Government agencies.
The city did have one birth that would later go on to help many baseball players in Hazard/Perry County, Don Carroll, born 12/5/1939 to Morton and Gertrude Carroll of Bulan. Today his name is on our Little League Field which opened only days after his death, 4/29/89. Dad graduated from M.C. Napier in 1957 and would later be an asst. coach on the 1987 Final Four team that his sons played. Yes, this is one member of Hazards' growing population that I would later know as my father. I miss you dad.