Friday, April 23

Not Hat No Way

Perry Circuit Judge Sam Ward slammed the lid down on "order" in the courtroom today, and caught Bob Cooksey under the lid. Said the judge, "Bob came wandering into the courtroom, talking loud and wearing his hat. I waited a while and he continued the talk and his hat stayed on his head, so I just sent the sheriff down to bring him before the bench." Deputy Sheriff Ballard Stidham, who is waiting on the sessions of court, escorted Mr. Cooksey to the bench after he had removed his hat. A fine of $2 was assessed against Cooksey and so entered on the books. Judge Ward said that his only goal was to improve the order in the court room and that he would not be hard on those who didn't know the rules but said that Cooksey "should know better." The judge has ordered all of the benches on which the visitors sit, moved well back from the jury rail, and he says he is doing everything he can to stop the common practice of having anyone who cared to slip in to the bench, even during trials. 1940

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