Thursday, June 2

Nervous Wreck

After a week under a shade tree in Ohio and some business traveling, I finally arrived home in Hazard and a lot of work piled up. Finally got out from under it at last.

While my wife was at her home, where someone can take care of our little daughter, we decided to have the boy’s tonsils out. Saturday they did the job.

Now, I’m like a lot of people, I kid myself. I made myself believe I didn’t worry much or get excited but Saturday my wife was to call me at noon after the boy’s tonsils were out and give me the good news. I started getting nervous and worried about ten o’clock and when she finally called about 12:30 I was a nervous wreck. I knew that it was a simple operation, not dangerous, but still it made me jumpy.

I’m sure many of you enjoy the comments of C.H. Combs on here. His son , who was in a German prison camp, is home and C.H. has been neglecting us. We are mighty glad to know the boy is home safe and sound and don’t mind at all being neglected while C.H. visits with the boy. Have a good visit. We know you will. 1945

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