Thursday, July 8
Safe Keeping

Wednesday, July 7
Evening Breeze & Heavenly Aroma

Looking up the “holler” I can see faces of people that have left to go to work in Ohio, Michigan and Indiana back home to celebrate. A lot of happy folks and their voices blend as they talk, sing, and whistle while waiting to sit down together to eat once again with family and friends.
I am about 9 and it is hot, hot, hot, and Mom lets me go out in the yard in my “drawer tail” while Uncle comes around the corner of the porch and souses me good with the water hose. “That’ll cool you down, Idy…does it now?” I yell back up at him not to stop but keep the water coming. All the kids watching in awe and up the holler they all go to make sure they end up under the family’s water hose, which they usually do.
My cousin Julian has come with his family from Louisville, Kentucky which they do each year to celebrate with us. He wanted to get into some meanness I suppose and my Mom was mad at our old cat which we named “Hitler” because he had a mustache and honestly reminded one of Hitler. Well, I watched from afar and did not know what they would end up doing so I kept my distance and all of a sudden my old cat started meowing to its highest as Julian and Mom tied several fire crackers to old Hitler’s tale and tossed him over our little porch. The fire crackers cracked, the cat meowed, Granny about fainted, and over in a corner sat Mom and Julian giggling cause they were afraid to laugh out loud. Our old cat was not hurt, but his nerves was shattered I am sure.
After filling my tummy full of good food and listening to Dad play the saw, Auntie playing her harmonica and songs going out on the evening breeze, and the heavenly aroma of Ralph’s freshly baked bread filling the air, I crawled up in Uncle’s lap there in the old porch swing and went to dreamland.
Friday, June 4
Little Girl With The Braided Hair

Were you ever mad at the little lass who wore her hair in a braid and tossed her pretty head in disdain when she met you on her way to school? Then you can feel the sinking of the heart which makes the lad of whom we write so miserable.
It all came about in a most natural way. A strange girl came to Hazard for a little visit. The boy met her and found she was nice. Not nearly so nice as the little blue-eyed lass with her hair in a braid. But she was nice and he walked with her upon the village street. The little girl with the braided hair met them and the mischief was done. That is all. The girl is proud and unhappy because she is mad at the boy. The lad is sorry and wretched because the girl won't speak to him now. The little stranger has gone home and is busy with her own little heart flutters.
We hope the storm may be but an April shower and the sun of gladness may shine for the youngsters again. 1921
Thursday, June 3
Hazard Legend

Wednesday, June 2

Talk about get rich-quick schemes, you cant beat these prices at a Hazard restaurant: Porterhouse steak with potatoes - $1.50, T-bone steak with potatoes: $1.25, Sirloin steak with potatoes: 85 cents, Veal chops, veal cutlets, pork cutlets, lamb fries, pork tenderloin, sausage with tomato sauce, cream gravy or breaded: 75 cents each. French fried potatoes: 20 cents, and coffee: 10 cents. This is what the boys are up against at Hazard, Ky. Lexington Herald 1921
Tuesday, June 1
Monday, May 31
Sweet Be The Dew Of Their Memory

Monday, May 17
Close Harmony

What else happened in 1941? Actor - Ray Crash Corrigan appeared at the Past Time Theater in Vicco, a President's Ball for the March of Dimes was held at the Hazard Country Club, Bruce White started selling Fords at his East Main Dealership, and former WKIC / WSGS announcer Wayne Combs was born.
Friday, May 14
Spit Or Not To Spit

Thursday, May 13
Let Me See Your Lag

Wednesday, May 12
Ideal Furniture Company

The facilities employed by the Ideal Furniture Company in furnishing and beautifying the home, and the kind, considerate methods accorded patrons should be appreciated by the citizens of Hazard and Perry County. Even the earliest customers continue their patronage and recommend the Ideal Furniture to their friends. It has always been a favorite place for newlyweds to feather their nests.
Other lines handled are beds, springs, mattresses, bed outfits of all kinds, window shades, carpets, rugs, druggets, floor lamps, etc; also the Wernicke-Globe sectional book cases. This is also the home to the Hoosier kitchen cabinet, the greatest cabinet in the world. Not only does it save the housewife thousands of steps in the course of a day, but it is the national food conserver. The Hoosier will pay for itself in a few month's time in the conservation of food products alone. Other distinctive and high-class lines at Ideal Furniture are the Columbia Grafonola and records, the Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph, sheet music, and H & W Paint and varnish, musical instruments of all kinds including the banjo, guitar, ukulele, violin, etc. 1920
Tuesday, May 11
Snuff Said

Monday, May 10
Dose of Castor Oil

While I am on this subject, Uncle Matt came to my rescue once again. It was summer and the heat was terrible. I suppose I might have eaten too many little green apples or something but got a miserable tummy ache. I cried or more like I "bellowed" and that was when Daddy invented the forerunner of an air conditioner by meeting the ice man, getting a slab of ice, putting it in a dishpan, and placed our little fan behind it. Man, did that ever help me with the heat. Now, back to Uncle Matt. Aunt Laura brought in a bottle of cure all which was "castor oil", and she said "Matt, I have to help Ruby wring clothes so you give Idy a tablespoon of this and don't let me hear you say NO." I started yelling to the top of my voice, "don't Uncle Matt, I will vomit if you make me take it" and I kept on pleading my case and I guess poor old fellow he got tired of hearing me screaming and he said, "Idy, here is what we are going to do...I need this for I am having a little trouble and I will take this dose but you are not to tell Auntie or Ruby that you did not take it..." and he gave me a big hug. I watched him down that spoon of castor oil followed by a little glass of orange juice and it almost make me sick just watching him, but it didn't seem to bother him that much. Later that night, pretty much near dawn, I heard Auntie say, "Matt, I can't understand why you are spending all your sleep time sitting on that commode...have you eaten something to upset you terribly, I wonder what it could have been..." I lay and listened and I knew what was going on but was sworn to secrecy and to the day I married and left home, that was never told on my blessed Uncle Matt. Also, I vowed then and there if I ever had children they would never have a dose of castor oil...did I follow that vow...I pretty much think so.
Friday, May 7
Twenty Five Cents Worth

Thursday, May 6
This Little Town, Twice Washed Away

Our little towns' dependence is entirely on the production of coal. But with the completion of the Buckhorn Dam, it will mean factories and flood control.
We've had floods, we've had freezes, we've had heartaches galore. But now near the tail end of Squabble Creek, the Buckhorn Dam will have it's shore.
So with patience and with waiting, we've got what we looked forward too. We old timers are better satisfied, that our visitors won't feel so blue.
This little town, we love so well, has twice been washed away. But the iron-nerved people of Perry County, will tell you, that they're here to stay. 1958
Wednesday, May 5

With Spring in the air, I am sure that you have noticed the song birds about the place, such as Robins, Wrens and other types of song birds that have been missed for so many cold winter months. Now that they have come back to raise their young, I would urge you to help them in every way possible. 1958
Tuesday, May 4
Where Are You From?

Monday, May 3
Another Tragedy

Kids that had a future of many things in life that was in store for them. These kids are no different from any other kids through out our great U.S., going to school on a school bus, trying to get the education that they wanted to gain so much. Then suddenly it was all wiped out.
This has been a sad accident. Many of these kids would have been leaders of their various communities. I am sure they would have. To all you people that have lost loved ones in this tragedy, may the good man above bless you and your troubled minds at such an occasion. I am confident that he knows best. 1958
Friday, April 30
Cows & Hogs & Dogs! Oh My!

However, today Hazard's streets and alleys are filled with old paper and rubbish and a city with cows and hogs roaming the streets and with the dogs so numerous that one can hardly walk without walking over one. There is enough old paper on the streets and alleys to print the Sunday edition of the New York World. And there are also enough tin cans along the river bank to put tin roofs on half the houses in Hazard. Spring is here and nature is trying to purify the air with good clean sunlight. 1920
Thursday, April 29
Five-Cent Novels & Moving Pictures

Wednesday, April 28
Escape Across The River In The Darkness

The robbers took plenty of time to rob the store but from their subsequent actions their nerves must have been in some what shaky condition. They jumped in their getaway car, a stolen vehicle that belonged to a Cleveland, Ohio man who was visiting Dave Pritchard in Hazard. The vehicle had been parked in front of Prichard's home. The theives drove out Big Bottom and apparently thought the lights of an approaching car was that of the police. They headed down Maple Street and turned down an alley that led to the river near J.L. Johnson's residence, stopping near the edge of the river.
Meanwhile - Bill Johnson and Oscar Baker were staging an all night fishing party nearby. After hearing the commotion they decided to investigate. As they neared the car three men jumped out and ran towards the river and Johnson and Baker gave chase. Johnson overtook one of the men but during the tussle they fell on a barbed wire fence. Johnson, who was underneath, was cut in the arm by one of the fence barbs and thinking the man was using a knife, let go his hold. The man and his two partners in crime made their escape across the river in the darkness. 1930
Tuesday, April 27
'Till The Cows Come Home

I think everybody has forgotten how deep the mud was here last winter during the 1919 season. They're not building any sidewalks. They must think there will never be another winter. There are seven new brick buildings going up on Main Street, all of them modern. The old wooden shacks on the street will look a little strange standing next to the new buildings.
The clock at the Perry County Court House hasn't worked for years but still manages to be on time at least twice a day. The clock was struck by lightning many years ago and no one has ever had any luck getting it to run.
The women of Hazard are going to vote for the first time in a Presidential election this year. The Democrats have nominated James Cox. His running mate and vice Presidential candidate is Franklin D Roosevelt. The Republicans have chosen Warren G. Harding as their candidate. So it will be between Cox and Harding. 1920
Monday, April 26
What Fun, Oh, What Fun

We did not have to unwind our minds from the stress of pushing buttons, moving “sticks”, punching remotes, but were so tired from romping up and down the hills and hollers that sleep was not a stressful sleep but very peaceful and our thoughts would take us to “dreamland” whereby we entered into a fantasy world of our own, awaking with a sound mind and body ready to meet a new day.
Let me tell you about some of our entertainment, my close friends and I, shared in those days. My favorite was a beautiful stick horse that Uncle Matt whittled on to make him a pinto pony, using one of his Sunday ties or an old belt for his neck, making him very special. I would put on my cowboy boots (with little guns at the side, yep I was a tomboy), and gallop away to my heart’s content.
Then, one of the ingenuous fun things, were to take two empty tin cans, the bigger the better, and smash each one with a foot, making sure the foot fit the dent, and each foot was adorned with the cans of our choice (as we always could find old tin cans), and we would run and play with these on our feet, seeing who could wear them the longer before they got loose and we had to quit. The noise they made on the pavement (after our holler got paved), I reckon, made us happier when we could outdo one another.
“Stilts” were the thing, but we had to be extra careful when using stilts and when Dad would make mine they got taller as I grew. My first stilts were not too tall, but when I graduated from that set, the next made me taller and I felt so big up there in the air, walking up to the porch and saying “boo” to Granny, who let me have a “boo” when she got closer to me that day. “Stilts” or mine, were made from sturdy trees that had sturdier branches that could be cut away and leave a place for my feet. They also made me “brought on” stilts that they would fashion out of boards and slats. I loved the tree stilts better because I could maneuver them.
And, one of the best I kept to last because I had so much fun with these “caissons” and I made the military song come to life as I played up and down the place known to me as “Big Bottom”, “…over hill over dale we would hit the dusty trail as my caisson kept rollin’ along…” Yep, I kept my caisson clean as a whistle, very possessive of the old castaway tire. We didn’t own a car so I had to look around the neighborhood for a cast off. I washed and shined it, and would carefully place myself inside it and push myself off and round and round I would go until I hit something or drug my foot along to stop me. I have always wondered why it did not make me dizzy but as I remember, it didn’t.
Oh, yeah, one more…we would watch for someone to get an appliance in a big cardboard box, which I would snap up right fast, have Dad cut it for me (a big flat piece) and I would take it up on a grassy knoll and get aboard and gleefully take off down the hill. What a carefree life, huh? You see, this kept us busy during the summer “grass sliding”, waiting for the snow to fall so we could really go sledding over the white stuff. The green stuff became brown stuff as the summer went by because we made it bare to the ground but what fun, oh, what fun!!!!
Friday, April 23
Not Hat No Way

Thursday, April 22
Justice Late, But Justice Still

Wednesday, April 21
Oddity of 1943

If a car carries more than six persons it will be rated as a bus and the operator will be forced to pay a license covering that class of vehicle.
Tuesday, April 20
Happy Hazard

We live in a Kentucky town, where the golden sun shines down;
The moon, the stars give their light, while we converse in delight.
Independent of what others may say, we look forward to another day. Other states their envy can not hide, because we live and love in pride.
We enjoy the pure, free air, and know of nothing to compare, with the grand mountain life, which to the "city folks" would be strife.
But we are happy just the same, and not ashamed to bear the name, of being called a "Hazardite," which gives us joy and delight.
Sunday, April 18
Up To The Hub In Mud

Just at the present time in 1920 - many business houses and homes are in the process of being built, and the sound of saw and hammer is heard on all sides of our pretty little city "in the hills of old Kentucky." This is music to every good citizen's ears, and they are watching with pride in their eyes each new building begun, knowing it will add just that much more to the up-building of the city. And those engaged in the construction of these new buildings seem possessed of a mind and will to work. In fact, all of our good people seem inbibed with the spirit of the Spring season and are putting new life into their work and ways of attending to their business. There is plenty of work here, of some sort, for us all to do, and there is no denying the fact that the busier a people are the more prosperous and contented they will become.
Let's all make up our minds that we will be entirely too busy to become engaged in unnecessary gossip and squabbles. One can not help but wonder, however, as he walks about the city and realizes the condition of the roads (we can't conscientiously call them streets) - especially during a wet season - and what an impediment they are to the speedy transportation of our building material and produce, as well as to passenger travel, just why it is that good streets have been so long neglected in our midst.
The highest progress of any city or town can never be reached until men and goods can be transported to it and through it with ease and facility. Mud a foot deep or more on the public thoroughfares is a nuisance, and a glaring obstacle to true development and growth. As long as we are known as a little city that is "up to the hub" in mud we cannot hope to draw very many new citizens or summer visitors. And, by the way, we can see no particular reason why people should not want to come to the mountains of Eastern Kentucky to spend their summers or vacations, where the nights are delightfully cool and refreshing, just as much as they flock to Asheville, N.C., or any other summer resorts of the Blue Ridge or the Appalachian range.
There must not be but a few reasons why we do not have these summer visitors in large numbers - and they are that our scenery and climate have not been made known to them, and we haven't the hotels or houses to accommodate them should they desire to come, and lastly, but by no means least, we have not the good roads for them to travel over and see the beauties and grandeur of the natural formation of our country round about. 1920
Let's all make up our minds that we will be entirely too busy to become engaged in unnecessary gossip and squabbles. One can not help but wonder, however, as he walks about the city and realizes the condition of the roads (we can't conscientiously call them streets) - especially during a wet season - and what an impediment they are to the speedy transportation of our building material and produce, as well as to passenger travel, just why it is that good streets have been so long neglected in our midst.
The highest progress of any city or town can never be reached until men and goods can be transported to it and through it with ease and facility. Mud a foot deep or more on the public thoroughfares is a nuisance, and a glaring obstacle to true development and growth. As long as we are known as a little city that is "up to the hub" in mud we cannot hope to draw very many new citizens or summer visitors. And, by the way, we can see no particular reason why people should not want to come to the mountains of Eastern Kentucky to spend their summers or vacations, where the nights are delightfully cool and refreshing, just as much as they flock to Asheville, N.C., or any other summer resorts of the Blue Ridge or the Appalachian range.
There must not be but a few reasons why we do not have these summer visitors in large numbers - and they are that our scenery and climate have not been made known to them, and we haven't the hotels or houses to accommodate them should they desire to come, and lastly, but by no means least, we have not the good roads for them to travel over and see the beauties and grandeur of the natural formation of our country round about. 1920
Tuesday, April 13
Trigg Mitchell, general manage of the Knott Coal Corporation visited the Grand Hotel for Supper only to find he had no money. He called over the waiter, Houston Hogg, who had waited on him many times and explained the situation. When Mr. Mitchell faced the cashier he found out that his check was already paid by Mr. Hogg, and other waiters and waitresses such as Paul Davis, & Carol Rose. 1944
Monday, April 12
S' Funny Ain't It?

Sunday, April 11

Friday, April 9
Big Tales Of The Past

Thursday, April 8
Oddity of 1941

Wednesday, April 7
This Old House

The two-story home, located just off Kentucky 28 at Chavies is now owned by Paul Johnson, postmaster at Chavies. Paul is the grandson of Tom Johnson, who built the house about the time of the Civil War.
Paul's father, S.B. Johnson, better known simply as "Brown" to the residents of Chavies, is the closest living link with the traditions associated with the old home. Brown was born on the farm 82 years ago, when the property surrounding the house covered over 2,000 acres of timberland owned by the family.
Brown now lives with his son Paul in a large frame house within sight of his birthplace. Every day he walks the few yards up the road to the store and post office, where he spends quiet morning hours reading newspapers and sometimes telling stories of his family's history.
One if his favorite stories concerns his father's participation in the Civil War as an officer in the Union Army. Thomas F. Johnson and two brothers-in-law, Billy and Abner Eversole, went together in forming a company of infantry composed of mountain men.
By previous agreement, the man who signed the most recruits would be Captain of the company. Thomas Johnson wound up 1st Lieutenant under Captain Billy Eversole.
Perhaps the most violent engagement the company was involved in, other than several mild skirmishes, was the Battle of Richmond, Kentucky. Brown Johnson still chuckles when he recalls his own elders telling him about the battle. One relative came home wounded in the back of his leg, relates Mr. Johnson. The man vowed he became a casualty during the vigorous charge at Richmond. But he was never able to successfully explain to his relatives just why the wound was in the back of his leg.
There is considerable humor and irony in many of the old family stories Brown Johnson reflects upon today. In one case an attempt to instill the habit of truth into a daughter back-fired on Johnson's maternal grandfather, Joe Eversole. It seems that when Mr. Eversole was home on leave from the Union Army he was forced to hide out in his own home from a band of marauding Rebels.
The Rebels asked Eversole's daughter where her father was. Remembering the life-long counsel her father had given on the virtue of always being truthful, the little Eversole girl replied, "He's upstairs hiding out." The Rebels then dragged Mr. Eversole from the house, took him down the trail toward Krypton, and killed him. 1960
Tuesday, April 6

Monday, April 5
New Fangled Gadget

With that said, we all waited for the TV to be hooked up. I think we watched the Ed Sullivan show. By the time it was hooked up, we had a good audience. Our family members seemed interested but not carried away by it. I lived in a house of old timers who didn't cater too much to "new fangled" gadgets, as Granny would say. It was in black and white and had a pretty cabinet to it that you could shut when not in use. Later, Daddy got tired of that big "thang with such a little screen" that he traded it in on another model and this one sat on a pedestal that came up from the floor. It was odd looking but didn't take up the space the other one did. And, by that time they were coming up with pieces of plastic one could drape over the picture tube and you could have color. Dad chose green and believe you me it was odd sitting there looking at green people.
One evening we were watching Ed Sullivan and he had on a Bolshovic (sp) type of show where according to Granny, "them hussies hiking up their skirts and showing their drawers, or what they had on twern't drawers but "scanties" and jus' take a gander at that man holding that woman's butt in his hand, lifting her up over his head, reckon he gets to look a-plenty. Turn that evil thang off, Howard, turn it off now, these youngans don't need to see such to-dos as this." It really was a beautiful ballet number but she saw it with her eyes and I saw it with mine. We shore lived in two different worlds, I reckon.
The news traveled up the holler and all over Big Bottom, "Howard bought him a TV". Well, here come the kids from all over and they would sit out on the porch and watch through the door, then Dad would finally get up and invite them in to watch this or that only if they behaved. Behaved they did, and it was a pattern that every evening here they would come ready to watch tv.
The little screen got larger as time passed, I grew up, leaving my old radio behind, to watch the TV. Back then, there were good programs that you didn't have to worry about your children learning how to kill, rape, rob, etc. In fact, some of the early programs, did a good job of teaching my children good stuff. I have gotten much older, TV has progressed to a point where I rarely find anything that will keep me glued to its tube, and when my grands and great-grands are around I have to keep on my toes to see they don't see a bare butt or a lot of expletives. TV is still teaching its way, but nothing it teaches is worth a plugged nickle.
Friday, April 2
Country Ingenuity

Thursday, April 1
Warmest Place I Know

Tuesday, March 16
Howard's Homebrew

Monday, March 15
Perpetual Motion

Friday, March 12
Wonderful Home Made Kraut

Thursday, March 11

Wednesday, March 10
Keep Your Heels Warm

Tuesday, March 9
Global Warming?

We've had the worst winter some say since 1917, others say 1925, some say 1934. Regardless of how bad the others were, this has been a hum dinger. It was up to 16 inches deep on a flat surface. This last snow I would say has been the more damaging. It was a wet snow that hung on to everything. It has broken down trees, power lines, caused roads to be more hazardous. As I sit here this morning looking out over the mountains in their white cloaked snow drifts, it is hard for me to admire this kind of beauty. It is a beautiful sight in one angle of one's mind. To me I am the worry wart I guess. I am thinking what should happen if we had a very quick melting of all this snow, maybe linked with a warm rain. I can only visualize the muddy waters that could cause another great flood. Our last flood was in 1957. Some say these things only happen once every 20 years. We had better get busy now if you recall the Buckhorn Dam and the Jackson cut off was started back in the thirties. Regardless of what the weather man says, this can't last too much longer because Spring is officially here coming March 20th. We all know that date is authentic and I know you are expecting everything to be good and clear by that date. 1960
Monday, March 8
Hello From 50 Years Ago

Monday, February 22
A Real Treat

He taught school and enjoyed it and served on the Leslie County School board. Ray was a friend to all that would let him be. He was displaced during the building of the Buckhorn Reservour. This didn't bother Ray in the least. He would only say, "that is progress for our people."
Friday, January 29

I often wonder if we are as thankful and look to the guidance of a supreme being as we should. Are we only grateful at the time we need him, then so easily to forget what our blessings are. I am afraid that so many that came out of this disaster have forgotten all about it, or maybe are waiting for leadership in trying to prevent it from occurring again. Who, when and where, this will happen - your guess will be as good as mine. I do know that without a united effort being made. We will still be sitting ducks awaiting for the waters to rise again. We are going to have to voice our opinions as we did in 1957, that is if we expect to be recognized in our efforts to prevent floods in the future. 1962
Sunday, January 24
One Of A Kind

Mrs. Ross manned the hallway, which means she was always standing outside her classroom where she could view the coming and going of the students or walking up and down to make sure no one was up to "hanky panky" (oh, no, not in our halls of ivy). She was a private person, leaned toward the male gender. Her glance was off a little and you could not tell if she was looking at you or somewhere else. As a Freshman I heard all the bad things they said about her, not bad things but stuff like, "her husband died on their honeymoon, that is why she bears scars and all and she seems angry all the time..." I always made sure that when I passed her that I was watching my step so she would not pull me aside.
Time went on and I became a Junior and my love was Literature (remains so today) and I learned that I had to take Junior and Senior English. My skill was not that good in English but good enough, I suppose. I was seated near her desk right beside Wally McDaniel. She loved Wally (Wally was loved by all the girls). One of her strong things was to prepare you to talk in front of the class. Oh, I hated this to the 9th degree but I knew it had to be done. She gave me my assignment and it was something about dating and the taboos, etc. Well, I was ashamed to get up there and speak on this subject. Uncle Matt let me use him as a sounding board and my first speaking assignment was ready. I was told not to memorize but I found early on that memorizing was one of my main qualities. I went over it enough and of course got it down pat. I stood up there right by her desk. I began to speak and was so scared that I thought I was going to wet my pants right there. I looked at Wally and he was grinning. I looked at others who seemed to be watching Mrs. Ross more than myself, and hating the time my talk was up and theirs would start. Uncle Matt told me to put emphasis here and there and not to let it sound like it was memorized. I did that and she was up out of her chair and pointed at me, "You can now take your seat." I just knew I had failed my speaking assignment. She walked in between the seats and stood there and praised my efforts and from that time on she knew me and my love for her subjects.
I did not join clubs in High School, only the Glee Club and FHA because I committed myself to read about 7 books a week and then I skated pair skating with my Dad, so I didn't have interest in the Clubs. I loved watching the dramas she would put on and I missed that chance I suppose but I doubt she would have called on my anyhow.
She lived in an apartment down below the High School and I saw her coming and going a lot, to and from school, and then just going home up Baker Hill. She always appeared lonely to me, very seldom smiling, or I didn't see her smiling too much. She was a dedicated teacher and I guess her teaching gave her comfort and the papers she would have to grade, etc. would take some of her time at night, or I always hoped she would keep herself busy grading papers and preparing the next day's activities. She loved to read out loud and she would call on us to read out loud also.
I would sit in awe of her when she would begin to read from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. She was on top of the old English and she could spout it out fluently. Her eyes would wander even when she read to see if her class was listening. There were times that I saw the makings of a smile on her lips when she was deep into reading one of the stanzas. She wanted her class to learn English Literature and she instilled it in me. I became engrossed in English Literature and she saw I loved the subject. I knew when she called me down while reading aloud that it was for my own good, not hers. I wish I could have thanked her more because my love for her and her subjects led me toward my favorite hobby, the writing of short stories and poetry. I would have loved for her to have critiqued some of my work but she was gone by then.
Mrs. Ross was one of a kind. Her ability to manage a classroom to the hilt was beyond comparison. Her ambition for the girls and boys in her class was very evident in the way she prepared us. I know the boys and girls who joined her Club (she was very picky whom she let into her Club) got an education in high school acting (which excelled in my book beyond high school), speaking, drams, etc. through the efforts of Mrs. Emma B. Ross. I give her the credit for my love of literature and books in general. She was the force behind us all. Some loved it, others hated the sight of that room.
I wish I could read to her as she read to me. Her memory is etched in my "archives" and I can see her face as I type this. She left her mark on me and so many others. I never could erase the thought of her losing her husband on their honeymoon and that she was so alone. She handled it and her life centered around Hazard High School and I wish all the teens could have walked those hallowed "Halls of Ivy" when she was doing the monitoring.
Mrs. Emma B. was special in so many ways. I guess the way I imagine I can smile as I finish this thinking she might be walking the streets of gold hand in hand with her young husband.
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